Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back in Cali

Hey everyone! Now I get to catch you up on life in Cali as it was, and then how it is...not all in one post though.

Soon after we returned from MN, I got to see Mama's friend Heather again. Mama says she visited us in the hospital the day after I was born but...ehhhh...I don't remember. Anyway, she's really nice and we had lots of fun getting reaquainted.

Then Auntie Laura, Kyle, Mama and I decided to explore Muir Woods. Here we are peaking from behind a tree...I wasn't really looking at the camera. Really guys, you take TOO many pictures! ;)

Just the boys!

Mom had to step in to coax a smile out of me for the picture. As a result, Aunt Laura was the only one posing. ;) This one was taken at the beach right near Golden Gate Bridge after sand, sun, and fun! :)
That's it for now, folks! I can only be on the computer for so long before Mama starts fussing at me to pay attention to her!

Later dudes,

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More MN from the 4th (2nd of 2 posts)

Here I am with my Aunty Renee...oh my goodness is she a sweetie! :)

Daddy caught Mama and I on film resting. We were so tired after all that visiting!

The next post will be a little more current now that we've finished our MN pics!


More pics from the MN trip (1st of 2 posts from the "more series")

Mama says we are startimg to catch up but have a ways to go. Please bear with us, there WILL be more posts to come!

Me and my beautiful cousin Paula! :)
Mama and Daddy's friend Matt; We match, how fun!

'Da boat!

Another beautiful cousin watching as her dad, my Uncle Scott, is introducing himself.

I can hardly stand the excitement...overwhelmed here by more beautiful family. Meet Aunt MaryLu and my cousins Emma and Oman...oops, I mean Owen! ;)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Some of 4th of July and before

I'm as goofy as my caretakers make me out to be...
Auntie Laura thought I looked like some sort of fictional animal here, can't quite remember what though...

Mama and Daddy took me on a plane trip over 4th of July to visit a few of our family and friends in MN on the spur of the moment. We're sad we didn't get to tell more of you we were around, but it was almost impossible to see the small amount of people we did see.

Airplanes are very interesting little places, I look forward to trying this flying thing again soon. I have lots more of you I'm just dying to meet.

Here I am fussing at Mama's cousin Tim, he's quite the charmer and had me calmed down in no time. I sure do like this guy!

Ahhhhhh....Auntie Lara, I missed you! Glad you could join me for my first boat ride. :)

I'm not too sure whether or not I like these boat things. Everyone gets to swim but unfair. However, Autumn was a real cutie...don't worry sweetheart, I'm not crying because of you. ;)Stay tuned folks, Mama and Daddy have many more pics of me to share and I have much more to say.

Until we meet again,

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'm baaaaaaack....

Hey guys! After a long break, I have finally returned. Mom finally uploaded a ton of pictures to her computer and will be updating this blog thing little by little. I just managed to talk her into putting one picture up for all of my loyal fans as a tide-over. So, without much further ado....

Tadaaaaa...!!!!!!! :)

Later, yo! I'll see you all VERY soon on here...Mom promised me (and some others know who you are, you pests)! ;)


P.S. By the way, I'm almost 4 months old. Can you believe it? You can wish me a happy 4 month birthday on August 24th.