Monday, May 01, 2006

Memories of days surrounding my 1 week birthday.

So we've discovered I like to sleep on Dad's t-shirts... It seems they'll try almost anything at 4am. I have them right where I want them.

In this next shot, I'm trying the arm-next-to-the-face thing I learned last night.

I love rockin' out to the radio, car rides are great!!!

Hmm, note to self: Remember this pose for graduation photos, but maybe open eyes and smile at that time... Maybe.

Ah yes, the car again, let's try both arms up, this may do well.

Who needs a hat to look cool, not me. The hat needs me to look cool...

It is important to note that my older sister keeps a watchfull eye on me. Even though she's cautiously distant and fuzzy, I still appreciate it.

That is to say, she is watching me when she's not preoccupied with more pressing matters...


bosko said...

aww hahaha too cute! who's typing in these picture's captions?!! Thy're funny very clever too, sleeping on dad's shirts ehh? he likes the smell of his daddy hahah hoefully it is a good smell ;) just kidding, thanks for sharing, it is soo cute to see these pictures, they remind me of when my moose was that little. I cant believe he is4 mos od now :(

John said...

That hat is fabulous! I am so grateful for all these pics and videos