Hey everyone! Now I get to catch you up on life in Cali as it was, and then how it is...not all in one post though.
Soon after we returned from MN, I got to see Mama's friend Heather again. Mama says she visited us in the hospital the day after I was born but...ehhhh...I don't remember. Anyway, she's really nice and we had lots of fun getting reaquainted.

Then Auntie Laura, Kyle, Mama and I decided to explore Muir Woods. Here we are peaking from behind a tree...I wasn't really looking at the camera. Really guys, you take TOO many pictures! ;)

Just the boys!

Mom had to step in to coax a smile out of me for the picture. As a result, Aunt Laura was the only one posing. ;) This one was taken at the beach right near Golden Gate Bridge after sand, sun, and fun! :)

That's it for now, folks! I can only be on the computer for so long before Mama starts fussing at me to pay attention to her!
Later dudes,